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Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University (ATU) appears in the Times categorization for sustainable development for the year 2022, which consists of 1406 institutions from 106 countries worldwide.
In an interview with the institution media, Prof. Mudhaffar Sadiq Al-Zuhairy, Chancellor of the University, the University ranked 11th out of 47 Iraqi universities after contributing to eleven out of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals SDGs for the ranking this year 2022.
Al-Zuhairy went on to say that the requirements included the quality of education and infrastructure, the observance of human rights, environmental protection and partnership with society, the implementation of gender equality laws, and the shift toward the use of renewable energies, as well as scientific research related to the sustainable environment.
Al-Zuhairy extended his gratitude and appreciation to all of the University’s scientific and administrative departments and faculties for their devoted efforts in accomplishing this aim.

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