Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance

1.Setting up plans and programs of the department.
2. Responding to colleges and institutes inquiries regarding the application of quality standards.
3. Paying field visits to all colleges and institutes to hold workshops or seminars and apply their application to quality standards.
4. Identify weak points in the performance of the colleges and institutes and determine the gap of performance.
5. Addressing the colleges and institutes to define the frameworks that conforms with the standards in relation to job descriptions.
6. Giving lectures to the members of the university staff to disseminate the culture of quality among employees.
7. Prepare memorandums to provide information to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in various fields.
8. Fill in the forms related to the quantitative and qualitative indicators and send them to the Ministry.
9. Building up the database of the teaching staff and technicians and infrastructure of the colleges and institutes of the university.
10. Membership of committees at the University.
11. Holding training and development courses for employees in quality units and university performance in the colleges and institutes of the University.
12. Follow up the commitment of colleges, institutes and university departments to quality standards and send reports to the quality council at the university.

Quality Assurance Section
1. Follow up the implementation of quality plans at the university in terms of quality assurance for a better quality system, which enhances the quality of the educational process.
2. Disseminate the culture of quality among faculty members, students and all employees of the university and raise awareness of the importance of application of quality and academic accreditation.
3. Follow-up of the university’s ranking on the international level.
4. Follow up the completion of ideal educational bags for all subjects.
5. Introduce studies that reflect the reality of the university and improvement plan according to the international standards.
6. Apply the standards of international academic accreditation according to the specialization of colleges, institutes and centers to obtain a certificate of accreditation from esteemed institutions.
7. Monitor and follow-up of the implementation of quality assurance and accreditation standards at the university.
8. Other tasks entrusted to the Section by the Head of the Department to enhance the quality assurance of scientific education in the future.
9. Participate in seminars, conferences and workshops held by the university and other universities.
Performance Evaluation Section
1.Follow-up completing evaluation aspects of the senior leaders (assistants and deans) in all the institutions of the university.
2. Follow-up completing the evaluation issues for administrative administrators in all the institutions of the university.
3. Follow-up completing the evaluation issues of the performance for all the teaching staff of the university.
4. Follow-up to complete the evaluated files for teachers in all formations of the university.
5 – Follow-up to completing the files for teaching researcher at the university institutions.
6. Follow-up completing evaluation files for employees at the university.
7. Help the university institutions through sections / units (quality assurance and academic accreditation to fill the evaluation forms.
8. Provide the relevant body with the annual assessments of all members (teachers, technicians and administrators).
Training and Technical Support Section
1. Holding training courses in the fields of quality and accreditation.
2. Designing computer software to build up advanced databases for all activities in the university Colleges and Institutes.
3. Updating the database of all teaching staff of the university.
4. Updating the database of all technicians of the university.
5. Updating the database of all administrators of the university.
6. Provide the requested authorities with all necessary statistical information about (instructors, technicians, and administrators).
7. Provide the Ministry with all the relevant statistics (instructors, technicians, and administrators) employees of colleges and institutes of the university.
8. Provide relevant bodies with various data concerning (instructors, technicians, and
administrators ).
9. Daily update of the data of (instructors, technicians, and administrators) according to administrative Orders issued by the University Office.

Laboratory Accreditation Section
1.Follow-up laboratory specifications to comply with the standards requirements.
2. Equipment inventory and coding in coordination with the relevant laboratory officials of the educational institutions.
3. Follow up the implementation of calibration programs for equipment with the relevant authorities.
4. Train the workers in laboratories according to international standards and national standards.
5. Coordinating with the Laboratory Accreditation Department at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Scientific Supervision and Evaluation System to develop and improve the performance, and development of laboratory performance by one of the competent and relevant authorities.
6. Nominate the director of quality section in each laboratory according to specialization and type at the university level.
7. Take the necessary steps to activate the procedures and requirements determined by the laboratory accreditation team in the field.
8. Cooperation, within the geographical area, with the people of accreditation laboratories in other educational institutions to exchange educational experiences.
9. Coordination with the Department of Laboratory Accreditation in the Ministry to achieve the accreditation of laboratories by one of the competent authorities.
10. Opening specialized courses with the relevant authorities in the country to graduate cadres of auditors and examine the quality of laboratory accreditation.
11. Conducting an internal audit of random samples in laboratories and self-effort to identify strengths and weaknesses.