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The Chancellor of Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Prof. Dr. Mudhaffar Sadiq Al-Zuhairy, announced that the university secured an advanced position in the latest version of the Matrix ranking. Since the university’s website came 10th out of 114 overall Iraqi public and private universities, including those in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, and achieved 3401 positions globally for the second edition during the 2021 academic year.

Petro yuan

It seems worthy to indicate that the previous rank was 14 Iraqis and 3835 globally in the first version (2021.1.1) of the 2021 academic year.

Indeed, the main objective of this ranking is to promote open access to the university’s knowledge and ultimately improve its reputation.

The university’s chancellor congratulates all the university’s employees and students for this achievement. He also appreciates the efforts of everyone who contributed to obtaining this position in the ranking.